Tuesday 17 March 2015




Your science test on Solids, Liquids and Gases will be in week 9.

Image result for solids liquids and gases
You can view the following videos to revise what you have learnt.


Image result for solids liquids and gases



What have you learnt in science this semester? 
Did any of our experiments surprise you?
What is the difference between the molecules in solids, liquids and gases?


  1. 1 I learnt that when you put jelly in the fridge then out in the sun It can evaporate.
    2 Yes the jelly experiment surprised me.
    3 molecules in solids are packed closely together with not much room to move and is in a shape. Molecules in liquids have a little more room to move and take the shape of the container it is in. Molecules in gases have the most room to move but has no shape.

  2. Have learnt to melt solids to liquids, back to solids.
    Yes. I was surprised that jelly was a solid.
    Solids are stuck together. Liquids spread out a little more. Gases spread out and are always moving around.

  3. All about solids, liquids & gases.
    Yes, the experiment about melting moments. Because when it melted, it looked cool.
    In solids the molecules are all packed together.
    In liquids the molecules are a bit more apart and they can flow.
    In gases the molecules are all spread apart.

  4. The difference between gases and liquid and solids is that the molecules in a solid are tightly pack together. The molecules in a liquid are close together and the molecules in gas are very far apart. I learnt at school that when you put methylated spirits in the freezer it does not freeze this surprised me.

  5. The difference between gases, liquids and solids. Monocles in solids are very close together and can't move. The monocled in liquids are close together and the monocled in gases are very far apart. I learnt at school that when you put methylated spirits in the freezer it does not freeze. It surprised me.

  6. The difference between gases, liquids and solids. Monocles in solids are very close together and can't move. The monocled in liquids are close together and the monocled in gases are very far apart. I learnt at school that when you put methylated spirits in the freezer it does not freeze. It surprised me.

  7. The difference between gases, liquids and solids. Monocles in solids are very close together and can't move. The monocled in liquids are close together and the monocled in gases are very far apart. I learnt at school that when you put methylated spirits in the freezer it does not freeze. It surprised me.

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  9. The difference between gases, liquids and solids. Monocles in solids are very close together and can't move. The monocled in liquids are close together and the monocled in gases are very far apart. I learnt at school that when you put methylated spirits in the freezer it does not freeze. It surprised me.

  10. I have learnt the difference between Solid , Liquid and Gas.
    I enjoyed the Jelly making experiment. It was surprising to see the jelly turn hard.
    I wish I could have eaten some.
    Solid - fixed together.
    Liquid - close together , but can move.
    Gas - not together , separated a lot.

  11. This semester I learnt about solids, liquids and gases.
    I was not surprised by the results of our experiments because I knew most of them.
    The difference in molecules of solids, liquids and gases is solids are all together and liquids are a little apart and gases are all apart.

  12. In science this semester I have learnt about solids, liquids and gases and their molecules and how they are in different positions in relation to each other.
    Most of the experiments did not surprise me. If Mr Barns had not told us that methylated spirits was used to keep things cool because it would never freeze I would have been surprised at that experiment.
    The difference is that in solids the molecules are packed together so they can never move. In liquids the molecules are packed close together but free to move. In gases the molecules are widely separated.

  13. We learnt how to make jelly, it surprised me when we put the jelly that was a solid out into the sun and then it turned into a liquid. The molecules in solids aren't free to move anywhere, they are all squished together. The molecules in liquids are more spread apart though they still bump into each other. The molecules in gases are more separated and can move anywhere. The difference between all the molecules is that some are more free then others.

  14. Joshua Atkinson23 March 2015 at 01:24

    I learnt a solid molecules are very close together and liquid molecules are not really close together and nothing surprise me and the difference between the molecules in solids liquids and gases is solids molecules are close together and liquids molecules are not really close together and gases molecules are very far away.

  15. 1. I have learnt in science this semester that all things are a solid, liquid or gas. I've learnt that solids can become liquids and liquids can become gases and they can change back by adding heat or coolness.
    2. It surprised me when we put the methylated spirit in the sun for a while, when we took it inside we saw that it had not evaporated.
    3. The molecule differences between solids liquids and gases are -
    Solids - particles are very close together with a regular pattern and no movement.
    Liquids- particles are further apart they are in a random pattern they can move around a bit.
    Gases-particles are very far apart they are not in a pattern and they move freely.

    We have learnt how to change solids into liquids, liquids into gasses and liquids into solids.
    The experiement that surprised me the most was when the methylated spirits did not freeze like water when we put it in the freezer.
    Solids - close together in a fixed pattern
    Liquid - not so fixed so they can move
    Gas - no structure and free to move around

  17. Blake Beckhouse
    You can see moecules in solids and liquids but you can't see it in gases.

  18. This semester in science I have learnt alot about Solids, Liquids and Gases.

    The experiment that surprised me the most was the was the jelly experiment that shows how liquid turns to a solid.

    The difference between the molecules are -
    Solid: the particles are close together and have a fixed shape.
    Liquids: the particles are a tiny bit further apart, move a little bit freely and don't have a fixed shape.
    Gases: the particles are totally free and move very fast and don't have a fixed shape.

  19. In science we have been doing experiments. We froze some different objects and we saw if the jelly would become a liquid and to see if methylated spirits would freeze. I was surprised that the jelly became a liquid and the methylated spirit did not freeze. Solid molecules are close together, the liquid molecules are apart a little and the gas molecules float freely far apart.

  20. I have learnt that jelly that turns into a liquid then back into a solid again. This was a surprise for me. The difference between solids,liquids and gases is that the molecules in a solid are packed together. Liquid molecules are packed together but can move. Gas molecules has the most room to move out of all three.

  21. I have learnt that gas will fill any container it is in.
    The experiment that surprised me was how fast the jelly froze, I thought it would take longer.
    Molecules in a liquid are packed close together, molecules in a gas are widely separated and molecules in a solid are held in fixed pattern

  22. In Science I have learnt about solids, liquids, and gases. I was surprised to learn that some solids can become liquids. The molecules in a solid were still, in liquid they were moving around a little bit, and in a gas they were moving around a lot.

  23. That methalated spirits can not freeze because they are alcohol which really surprised me too. Moleculars in solids are really close tog rather,liquids are further apart and in gases they are even further apart again.

  24. Solid is hard and you can hit it and it won't move because the particles are close together.
    Liquid is not hard because the particles are not close together and if you slap water it will splash but still hurt your hand. :-)
    You can not hit or slap a gas because the particles are really far apart and. Your hand will go through it.
