Thursday 23 July 2015

Homework Week 3

Homework for Week 3 is due Wednesday 29th July due to the Athletics Carnival.
Children will not need to bring in their reading on Thursday and Friday.

Children need to do their spelling, maths and blog comment as usual.

Comment for week 3;
Image result for fijiImage result for new zealand

Tell me at least one thing that is the same living in Fiji and New Zealand and at least one thing that is different. 

Make sure your blog comment is correct - get an adult to check your spelling and punctuation.

Fiji Islands
New Zealand


  1. Something that is the same is that they have dark and white people.

    Something different is that in New Zealand it snows and in Fiji it is always warm.

  2. The same is New Zealand and Fiji both are in the south Pacific Ocean.
    The difference is in New Zealand the buildings are much much taller than Fiji and the money is different too.

  3. Emily Livingston25 July 2015 at 20:24

    1. (same) One thing that is the same in both countries is they both have English included in there official language.
    2. (different) One thing that is different is the population. 4,290,347 in New Zealand and 842,000 in Fiji.(2011)

  4. The one thing they have in common is:
    They are both countries of the Commonwealth.
    The one thing that is different:
    They both speak different languages.

  5. Both countries play Rugby Union World Cup.
    Fijian currency is different to New Zealand currency.

  6. 1. One thing that is the same is that they are both tropical.
    2. The houses are made out of different materials.

  7. Joshua Atkinson26 July 2015 at 23:52

    1. (same) They both have traditional dances.
    2. (different) The people have different colour skin.

  8. Aidan Mitchell27 July 2015 at 00:31

    One thing that they have in common is they both have houses.
    One difference is Fiji is made of around 333 islands and New Zealand is made of 2 main islands.

  9. Tess Hannigan :)27 July 2015 at 02:01

    The one thing they have in common is:
    They are both very good at rugby union.
    The one thing that is different:
    The weather is cold with snow in New Zealand and it doesn't snow in Fiji.

  10. One thing that is the same is they both drive on the left hand side of the road,
    One thing that is different that kids start school when they are 6 in Fiji and when they are 5 in New Zealand.

  11. The things that are the same are:
    1. Both countries play rugby.
    2. They are both Australia's neighbours.
    3. They are both islands.
    4. They are both part of the Commonwealth.

    The things that are different are:
    1.The number of islands is different. New Zealand has 2 islands and Fiji has about 330 islands.
    2.The industries are different. New Zealanders farm sheep and Fijians farm crops.
    3.The cultures are different. In New Zealand there are Maoris and in Fiji there are Fijians.
    4.The climate is different. New Zealand is temperate and Fiji is tropical.

  12. Amy Christoffel Wood28 July 2015 at 00:11

    1. They both farm a lot.
    2. They both have different dances.

  13. 1. They are both part of the United Kingdom and both have the union as part of their countries flag.
    2.New Zealand has a population of 4,401,916 and Fiji only has 903,207.

    1. They are both part of the Commonwealth not the United Kingdom.

  14. Blake Beckhouse
    1. They both have volcanos and cook under ground.
    2. They speak different languages.

  15. 1.Tourists visit both countries for holidays.
    2. It snows in parts of New Zealand and is hotter in Fiji.

  16. 1. One thing that is the same is the both have special cultural dances
    2. One thing that is different is that not every island is occupied in Fiji. Where all islands are occupied in New Zealand.

    1. They are both islands.
    2.They have different traditional native foods.

  18. 1.They're islands that people live on.
    2. They have both do different traditional dances.

  19. 1. They are both islands that have people living on them.
    2. Fijians have smaller houses than New Zealanders.

  20. isabella crank28 July 2015 at 20:40

    1.they are both islands that have Commonwealth.
    2.they both have people the islands.
    3.they are both good at AFL.

    1. Please start all sentences with capital letters and only include facts. Look at the links if you are not sure.

  21. 1. they both are part of the comenwelth.
    2. one is tropical forest and ones not

  22. Please write sentence with correct punctuation and spelling.
