Wednesday 15 July 2015


Tell me 3 interesting facts about the animal you are researching.

Make sure your sentences contain correct spelling and punctuation.

Share your interesting facts with your family.


1.The koala is very small when it is born. After one month the koala is 1 cm long.
2. Koalas sleep 20 hours a day.
3. Koalas really love only 30 of the 600 varieties of Eucalyptus.


  1. 1.Common Wombats are mammals.
    2.They mainly eat grasses and roots.
    3.Common Wombats can live for about 5 years to over 30 years.

  2. 1. The Green Python colours are black and green.
    2. The Green Python moves very quickly to get their food.
    3. The Green Python kills small animals like birds and lizards by crunching them.

  3. 1. The freshwater crocodile is salt water tolerant.
    2. The freshwater crocodile has a see through eyelid to protect it's eyes while swimming.
    3. If a baby freshwater crocodile can not get out of it's egg the adult will chew the egg.

  4. Tobi Saltwatercrocodile18 July 2015 at 14:46

    1. Saltwater crocodiles are reptiles like all crocodiles.
    2. The saltwater crocodile can grow up to 6 or 7 metres.
    3. A attack of the saltwater crocodile is the death roll.

  5. Emily Livingston18 July 2015 at 15:32

    1. Brolga's are found in open swamplands of coastal and sub coastal Australia.
    2. They eat tubers of sedges,molluscs and insects.
    3. The Brolga breeds between September and December in the south, and February to June in the north.

    1. Do not use an apostrophe when writing a plural. An apostrophe is used for a contraction or to show ownership.

  6. 1. Tawny frogmouths are not owls, but they do look similar.
    2. It is a carnivore, it eats insects, worms, snails, slugs and small lizards and they hunt at night.
    3. They can camouflage themselves in a tree.

  7. Red-Bellied Blacksnake
    1. The red-bellied blacksnake is found in swamps and along riverbanks of eastern Australia.
    2. It feeds mainly on frogs, which it kills with its venomous bite.
    3. The venom of the red-bellied black snake is strong enough to kill a person.

  8. Eastern Grey Kangaroo
    1. Their breeding happens throughout the year , but mainly during the warmer summer months.
    2. Eastern Grey Kangarros are herbivores, they mainly eat shrubs and grasses.
    3. Their scientific name is Macropus Giganteus.

  9. 1: The Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo grows to between 55-65cm.
    2: A baby Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo has no feathers when it's born. They have yellow soft fluffy down.
    3: Another name for a Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo is the Funereal Cockatoo.

  10. Tess Hannigan :)19 July 2015 at 23:46

    1.The echidna is also known as the spiny anteater.
    2.Echidnas are mammals that lay eggs.
    3.Echidnas are toothless.

  11. 1. The red kangaroo is the largest marsupial
    2. A baby kangaroo is called a joey
    3. Kangaroo's use their tails to balance

  12. Molly Pugh Ecletus Parrot20 July 2015 at 22:56

    Eclectus Parrot
    1.The male has a green body with blue, mauve and red under the wings. The female has a red and purple body.

    2.Eastern Indonesia, Palau islands, Australia, New Guinea and its offshore islands.

    3.Scientific name is Eclectus roratus.

  13. Joshua Atkinson Carpet python :)21 July 2015 at 02:41

    1. A carpet python is called a carpet python because it is the colour of some carpets.
    2. The scientific name is Morelia spilota.
    3. It's non-venomous.

  14. Seth Pinnow Dingo21 July 2015 at 23:38

    1. Dingo's are meat eating mammals.
    2.Dingo's do not bark they howl.
    3.Dingo's live in Australia and they are also found in South-East Asia.

    1. Do not use an apostrophe when writing a plural. An apostrophe is used for a contraction or to show ownership.

  15. Aidan Mitchell22 July 2015 at 00:00

    1.The lizard is slow moving.
    2.The lizard has unusual body proportions.
    3.The lizard is borne alive.

  16. Red necked wallaby
    1. The red necked wallaby is nocturnal .
    2. They can be found in the eastern parts of Australia and also in Tasmania.
    3. The pouch lifestyle is 9 months.

  17. Don't forget you must not copy sentences straight from the Internet. That is plagiarism and is illegal. You must write the information in your own words.

    The Southern Hairy Nosed Wombat
    1. It lives around the southern coastal region of South Australia, South Eastern corner of Western Australia and is now extinct in Queensland.
    2. It likes to eat fresh grass, herbs, roots, shrubs, barks and mosses.
    3. The mating session is between September and December.

  19. 1. A Tasmanian Devil can have 20-40 babies about the size of a grain of rice but only about 4 survive as she only has 4 teats.
    2. Tasmanian Devils are black but may have white markings on their bottom and chest.
    3. Wild Tasmanian Devils can only be found in Tasmanian. Elsewhere you can only find them at the zoo.

  20. isabella crank22 July 2015 at 14:12

    1.Emus are normally greyish brown.
    2.Emus can't fly they just walk.
    3.Emus love to eat seeds.

  21. Blake Beckhouse
    A fierce snake
    1. They come in different colours from brown to a light straw colour.
    2.They are 1.8 metres to 2.5 metres long.
    3.They eat small mammals and rats.
    4. They lay between 12 to 20 eggs in animal burrows.

  22. Amy Christoffel Wood24 July 2015 at 00:10

    1. The eastern water dragon eats insects.
    2. The eastern water dragon is a very good swimmer.
    2. The eastern water dragon lays eggs.

  23. isabella crank27 July 2015 at 23:11

    Emus are birds that do not fly.
    Emus lay green eggs.
    Emus live in grass areas.
