Friday 21 August 2015

Homework Week 7

Play the animal classification game. How fast did you complete it?

Tell me the 5 different classifications for vertebrates and three different things about each classification.

If you do this before Wednesday it will help you study for your Science test🔬

I will only publish times before Thursday so people do not copy answers😀


  1. Mammals.
    Mammals have fur.
    Mammals are born alive.
    Mammals are warm-blooded

    Fish have gills to breathe.
    Fish have scales to swim.
    Fish lay thousands of soft, tiny eggs.

    Birds have feathers to fly.
    Birds lay hard eggs.
    Birds are warm-blooded.

    Reptiles have shiny skin.
    Reptiles are cold-blooded.
    Reptiles have 4 legs or no legs.

    Amphibians are cold-blooded.
    Amphibians have moist skin.
    Amphibians have 4 legs.

  2. Mammal: Live young, have milk and have fur.
    Fish: Have gills, live in water and have hundreds of slimy eggs at a time.
    Birds: Have wings or feathers,have hard shell eggs and have a beak.
    Amphibian: Have slimy skin, have webbed feet and can survive on land and in water.
    Reptile: Have scales, scaly like eggs and have tails.

  3. It took me 39 seconds to complete the animal classification game with 100% accuracy.

  4. It took me 39 seconds. I had no mistakes.
    They have live young.
    They drink their mother's milk.
    They are warm blooded.
    They have gills.
    They lay millions of eggs.
    They are cold blooded.
    They have 4 or no legs.
    They usually lay rubbery eggs.
    They are cold blooded.
    They have feathers.
    They lay hard shelled eggs.
    They are warm blooded.
    They live in water and on land.
    They lay thousands of small eggs.
    They are cold blooded.

  5. It took me 1 minute and 9 seconds to complete the game.

    Vertebrates are animals with a backbone.

    5 different classifications and 3 different things for vertebrates are:

    Mammals - Lion
    1, Grow inside Mother womb alive.
    2. Forward facing eyes.
    3. Sharp teeth.

    Amphibians - Frog
    1. When in the water uses soft smooth skin to get air.
    2. Out of the water uses lungs for air.
    3. When a tadpole had gills.

    1 Feathers.
    2, Warm Blooded.
    3. Lay eggs in a hard shell.

    Reptiles - Tortoise
    1. Dry scaly skin.
    2, Eats plants.
    3, .Lays soft leathery eggs.

    1.Lives in the water.
    2. Scaly skin with a slimy mucus to stop infection.
    3. Fins to move in the water.

  6. It took me one minute and ten seconds and got 100% accuracy.

  7. It took me 57 seconds and got 100% accuracy.

  8. It took me one minute and four seconds to get 100%.
    The five different classifications of vertebrates and three classifications for each are:
    1. Mammal - Milk, fur, warm blooded
    2. Reptile - cold blooded,four or no legs,scaly skin
    3. Bird - feathers,wings,warm blooded
    4. Fish-cold blooded,spends life in water,gills
    5. Amphibians -lives in water an land,cold blooded,webbed feet

  9. The game took me 1 minute 29 seconds to complete.
    Mammals give milk to their live young and are warm blooded.
    Reptiles are cold blooded with scaly skin. They also lay rubbery eggs.
    Birds lay hard shelled eggs, have feathers and have 2 legs.
    Fish lay millions of soft tiny eggs. They also have gills and live in water.
    Amphibian are cold blooded animals with webbed feet. They also live in water and on land.

  10. The game took me 1 minute 29 seconds to complete.
    Mammals give milk to their live young and are warm blooded.
    Reptiles are cold blooded with scaly skin. They also lay rubbery eggs.
    Birds lay hard shelled eggs, have feathers and have 2 legs.
    Fish lay millions of soft tiny eggs. They also have gills and live in water.
    Amphibian are cold blooded animals with webbed feet. They also live in water and on land.

  11. The game took me 1 minute 29 seconds to complete.
    Mammals give milk to their live young and are warm blooded.
    Reptiles are cold blooded with scaly skin. They also lay rubbery eggs.
    Birds lay hard shelled eggs, have feathers and have 2 legs.
    Fish lay millions of soft tiny eggs. They also have gills and live in water.
    Amphibian are cold blooded animals with webbed feet. They also live in water and on land.

  12. The game took me 1 minute 29 seconds to complete.
    Mammals give milk to their live young and are warm blooded.
    Reptiles are cold blooded with scaly skin. They also lay rubbery eggs.
    Birds lay hard shelled eggs, have feathers and have 2 legs.
    Fish lay millions of soft tiny eggs. They also have gills and live in water.
    Amphibian are cold blooded animals with webbed feet. They also live in water and on land.

  13. The game took me 1 minute 29 seconds to complete.
    Mammals give milk to their live young and are warm blooded.
    Reptiles are cold blooded with scaly skin. They also lay rubbery eggs.
    Birds lay hard shelled eggs, have feathers and have 2 legs.
    Fish lay millions of soft tiny eggs. They also have gills and live in water.
    Amphibian are cold blooded animals with webbed feet. They also live in water and on land.

  14. It took me 33 seconds and got 100% accuracy.

  15. It took me 44 seconds and got 100% accuracy.

  16. It took me 49 seconds and 100% accuracy.

  17. It took me 50 seconds and I got 100% accuracy.
    Mammals: Has fur, drinks mothers milk and is warm blooded.
    Reptile: Has scales is cold blooded and leathery eggs.
    Fish: Has gills lives in water and cold blooded.

    Bird: Has wings is warm blooded and 2 legs.
    Amphibian: Cold blooded has soft smooth skin and lives in water or on land.

  18. It took me 50 seconds and got 100% accuracy.
    Mammal Has fur drinks its mothers milk and is warm blooded.
    Reptile Has scales is cold blooded and leathery eggs.
    Fish Has gills lives in water and cold blooded.
    Bird Has wings is warm blooded and 2 legs.
    Amphibian Cold blooded has soft smooth skin and lives in water or on land.

  19. It took me 50 seconds and got 100% accuracy.
    Mammal Has fur drinks its mothers milk and is warm blooded.
    Reptile Has scales is cold blooded and leathery eggs.
    Fish Has gills lives in water and cold blooded.
    Bird Has wings is warm blooded and 2 legs.
    Amphibian Cold blooded has soft smooth skin and lives in water or on land.

  20. Amy Christoffel Wood24 August 2015 at 22:38

    It took me 45 seconds and 100% accuracy.
    Mammals, Reptile, Bird, Fish, amphibians.

  21. Mammals
    1) Give birth to live young.
    2) Give milk to their young.
    3) They have hair on their bodies.

    1) They have scales.
    2) They are cold blooded.
    3) They lay soft eggs.

    1) They have moist skin.
    2) They live on water and land.
    3) The have webbed feet.

    1) They have feathers.
    2) They lay hard eggs.
    3) They are warm blooded.

    1) They have gills.
    2) They have fins.
    3) They live only in water.

  22. I took 52 seconds and 100% accuracy.

  23. Emily Livingston25 August 2015 at 13:34

    It took me 1 minuet and 25 seconds. Mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish. i got 90% accuracy.

  24. Mammals
    1.Give birth to live young.
    2.Drink their mother's milk.
    3.They are warm-blooded.

    1.They have scaly skin.
    2.They have 4 or no legs.
    3.They are cold-blooded.

    1.They have moist skin.
    2.They are cold-blooded.
    3.They live on water and on land.

    1.They have feathers.
    2.They have 2 legs.
    3.They are warm-blooded.

    1.They are cold-blooded.
    2.They breathe with gills.
    3.They live in water.

  25. My time was 1 minute 1 second and 6 mille seconds.
    Reptile : they have dry scaly skin, lay rubbery eggs and are cold-blooded animals.
    Amphibians : they have smooth moist skin, lay thousands of tiny eggs and breathe with gills as a baby then lungs as an adult.
    Mammals : they live young, have hair or fur and are warm-blooded.
    Birds : lay hard shelled eggs, are warm-blooded and have feathers or wings.
    Fishes : they have gills, lay millions of tiny eggs and are cold-blooded.

  26. Mammals
    1.Are warm blooded.
    2.Has fur.
    3.Drinks mothers milk.
    1. Has dry scales.
    2. Has four or no legs.
    3. Lays rubbery eggs.
    1. Has moist skin.
    2.They are cold-blooded.
    3. Live on water and on land.
    1. Have feathers.
    2. Lay eggs.
    3. Have beaks or bills.
    1. Have sales.
    2. Have gills.
    3. Live only in water.

  27. 1.Mammals:Have fur or hair and are warm blooded and have live young.
    2.Reptiles:Have scales and dry skin and are cold blooded and lay eggs.
    3.Amphibians:Have moist skin and are cold blooded and lay eggs.
    4.Birds:Have feathers and lay eggs and are warm blooded.
    5.Fish:Have gills to breath and lay eggs and are cold blooded.

  28. Took me about 1 minute.
    Mammals: 4 legs, drink milk, warm blooded, has fur and has live young.

    Reptile: Cold Blooded, has 4 legs or no legs, lays rubbery eggs and has scaly skin.

    Birds; have feathers, 2 legs, lays hard shell eggs and are warm blooded.

    Fish: are cold blooded, have gills, lays lots of eggs, and are warm blooded.

    Amphibians: have webbed feet, lay lots of eggs, are cold blooded, have smooth and dry skin and live on land and in water.

  29. It took me 38 seconds to complete it.

    They have live young.
    They have fur or hair .
    Their mother feeds their babies milk.

  30. It took 50 seconds and 100% accuracy.
    1) Gives birth to live young
    2) Has fur
    3) Warm-blooded
    1) Has scales
    2) Cold-blooded
    3) Lays eggs
    1) Has feathers
    2) Lays hard shell eggs
    3) Has two legs
    1) Lays eggs
    2) Cold-blooded
    3) Uses gills to breathe
    1) Has smooth skin
    2) Cold-blooded
    3) They live in water and on land

  31. Mammals
    give birth to live young
    has fur
    lays eggs
    has feathers
    has two legs
    live on land any in water
    lay soft eggs
    smooth skin
    has fins
    can swim
    has gills and can beathe under water
    lays rubry eggs
    has scales
