Wednesday 26 August 2015


You will receive a small copy of your powerpoint presentation on Friday.

Image result for animal powerpoint

Practice your power point presentation to someone in your family. 

Ask them for advice on how you can improve your presentation.
It might be to speak slower, or louder or to use eye contact.

Write down one piece of advice you were given.

Tuesday 25 August 2015


Link to the Ten Commandments video for those that wanted it.

This is another classification game that you can play ( NOT HOMEWORK)

Friday 21 August 2015

Homework Week 7

Play the animal classification game. How fast did you complete it?

Tell me the 5 different classifications for vertebrates and three different things about each classification.

If you do this before Wednesday it will help you study for your Science test🔬

I will only publish times before Thursday so people do not copy answers😀

Thursday 13 August 2015

Homework Week 6

Due: 20th August

Australia Zoo was AWESOME!

For homework, write 3 animal adaptations 
that you learnt about at the zoo.
Write the animals' name, its classification and what its special adaptations are.

Please make sure you get an adult to check your work to make sure you have no spelling mistakes or punctuation mistakes. You must answer in correct sentences. If you have forgotten you might like to look back at the Australia Zoo website.

Please tell your parents you will be presenting your animal PowerPoint on Wednesday 2nd September starting at 9am. Following the presentations we will have a shared morning tea.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Homework Week 5

There will be no homework or home reading this week.

I have asked the children to read for fun. They will be tested on their spelling words on Thursday but they can choose how they learn their words this week. They will also be given bonus dojos if they can recite The Ten Commandments on Thursday.

 Australia Zoo excursion is on Wednesday. Don't forget the bus leaves at 7.30am sharp.
Please get to school by 7.15am at the latest to allow a toilet stop and time to mark the roll and get everyone on board and ready to leave on time. The children will be carrying their food with them all day so please keep this in mind when packing their lunch. ( Please do not send any lollies or chocolates [unless they are for the teachers] - a normal healthy lunch would be great)

The children are allowed to bring cameras but must take full responsibility for them. There will be no electronic devices allowed on the bus or during the day. The bus will be time to look at the scenery and chat - not play.

The children will not be allowed in the shops to buy food or souvenirs so please do not send any money. 

Formal School Uniform with a hat is essential.

Only a few more sleeps :)