Thursday 11 June 2015


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1.Explain how day and night happen.

2.List three daily activities that are influenced by night and day.

3. Of the list below, which are observable features of the Earth? List them.

Mountains, rivers, air, oceans, equator, Australia, axis, atmosphere


  1. 1. Night and day happened because of how the earth rotates.
    2. You sleep,snore,dream you play,watch TV, dance.
    3. You can see mountains, rivers,oceans.

  2. Joshua Atkinson12 June 2015 at 20:49

    1. We are in the Earth's shadow.
    2. Sleeping,seeing stars,seeing the Moon and eating,running and walking.
    3. Mountains,rivers,oceans,Australia.

  3. 1. Day and Night happens because of the shadow on the Earth from the Sun. When the Earth spins the country's turn away from the Sun, this causes night. When the Earth's countries turn to the Sun, this causes day.
    2. We sleep at night to rest our brains. We dry our clothes in the Sun. Playing outside is fun in the daytime.
    3. Observable features of the Earth are oceans, Australia, mountains and rivers.

    1) The Earth spins on its axis. People closest to the sun will be in day. People away from the sun will be in night.
    2) influenced by night - nocturnal animals wake up, you can see the moon and stars, most humans sleep.
    Influenced by day - it gets hotter, plants grow and flower, people go to work and school.
    3) mountains, rivers, oceans, Australia.

  5. 1. Day and night happens when the earth rotates around the sun
    2. Breakfast
    3. Ocean, mountains, rivers, Australia

  6. Joshua Atkinson14 June 2015 at 00:21

    1. We are in the Earth's shadow.
    2. Sleeping,eating and running.
    3. Mountains,rivers,oceans and Australia.

  7. 1.Day and night happen because of the rotation of the earth on it's axis from east to west. Half of the earth is lit up by the sun and the other half is dark
    2. Three activities are
    sleeping at night, playing with my friends in the day, watching stars at night
    3. Mountains, rivers and oceans

  8. 1. Day and night happens when one side of the earth is facing the sun and the other isn't. The Earth is rotating on its axis.
    2.At night we eat and sleep and at day we go to work and school and eat.
    3.Mountains, rivers, Australia and oceans.

  9. 1. It takes one whole day for the earth to rotate around the sun. When this happens half of the earth is in day light and the other half is at night.
    2. Go to school ,sleeping ,swimming in the ocean.
    3. Mountain ,rivers ,oceans and Australia.

  10. 1. Rotation on the Earth own axis makes day and night.
    2. Night is sleeping , day is waking and playing.
    3. Equator , oceans , mountains and rivers.

  11. 1.Day and night happens because the Earth is spinning on its axis.
    2.Wake up in the morning,Go to school when its light,sleep at night.

  12. Aidan Mitchell15 June 2015 at 02:12

    1. Day and night happen because the Earth spins on its axis.
    2. During the night we sleep and eat dinner. During the day we go to school.
    3. Mountains, rivers, oceans and Australia are observable features of the Earth.

  13. Aidan Mitchell15 June 2015 at 02:17

    1. Day and night happen because the Earth spins on its own axis.
    2. During the night we sleep and eat dinner. During the day we go to school.
    3. Mountains, rivers, oceans and Australia are observable features of the Earth.

  14. 1. Day and night are formed when earth is facing the sun or the other side.
    2. Waking up, sleeping and going to school are influenced by day and night.
    3. Oceans, rivers, atmosphere, mountains and Australia are observable from space.

  15. Emily Livingston15 June 2015 at 23:29

    One(1) As the earth spins on its axis only one half of the earth gets light which makes it day-time while the other half is dark which makes it night-time.

    Two(2) Night- sleeping, snoring and spotlight. Day- Tag, hide and seek.

    Three(3) Mountains, rivers, oceans and Australia.

  16. 1. Day and night happen because the earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours.
    2. Day- going to school , hanging your washing- Night- sleeping,
    3. Oceans , rivers, mountains and Australia

  17. Blake Beckhouse
    1. The earth spins on its axis that is how we get day and night.
    2. Night time we watch tv and go to sleep. Day time we go to school and play.
    3. Mountains, rivers, oceans and Australia.

  18. 1. Day and Night happen because the earth rotates.
    2. Day- work and playing outside, night- going to bed.
    3. Mountains, rivers, oceans and Australia.

  19. DARRIAN 3W BLOG17 June 2015 at 00:47

    1.Day and night is cased by the way the world spin on its axis.
    2. Day - breakfast , playing - night sleeping.
    3.Moutains, Australia, Oceans and rivers are observable from space.

  20. Amy Christoffel Wood17 June 2015 at 01:54

    1. The sun and the moon rotate around the Earth.
    2. Horse riding at day, stars at night, teach at day
    3. Mountains, rivers, Australia.

  21. There are a variety of answers here but not all of them are correct. Please get your parents to check your blog comments before you publish them.

  22. Molly Ann Pugh 3W17 June 2015 at 02:06

    1.The Earth spins on its axis and takes 24 hours or 1 day to turn around fully. The earth orbits the sun and as the earth turns on its axis this makes day and night.

    2.Day. Play games, school work and talk to friends. Night. Sleep, eat dinner and have a shower.

    3. Mountains, rivers, oceans and Australia.

  23. 1. Day and night happens by the Earth spins around the sun and the moon goes around the Earth so one side of the Earth is facing the sun and one side isn't .
    2.Playing,sleeping,having a nap,shopping,animal hunt at night,dream at night.
