Tuesday 15 September 2015

Geography Test

On Thursday we will be having a Geography test comparing Australia and its Neighbours and information we have learnt about them.
Image result for map of australia and its neighbours
It would be useful to revise maps and populations, activities, homes, people, occupations.....
You may take your book home on Wednesday to look over all the hard work you have done.
There will be a small amount of time to revise before the test.

Wednesday 9 September 2015


This week for homework you are required to read and do Mathletics.

Image result for readImage result for mathletics
Please comment on a book that you have read this week that you would recommend to a friend.

Include details about whether it is fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, funny ....... as well as what reading level it is suitable for.

Wednesday 2 September 2015


 Due: 10th September
Image result for purim mitzvot

1) How do Jewish people celebrate the festival of Purim?

Image result for queen Esther

2) Why is Queen Esther a hero?

( I won't publish your answers straight away to give everyone time to think )